
If information obtained from this site is used in scientific publications, please cite the following paper:

Bikandi, J., San Millán, R., Rementeria, A., and Garaizar, J. 2004. In silico analysis of complete bacterial genomes: PCR, AFLP-PCR, and endonuclease restriction. Bioinformatics 20:798-9.
DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btg491

When the programs for simulation of Subtracted Restriction Fingerprinting (SRF) and Double Digestion Fingerprinting (DDF) are used, please cite this paper.

San Millán R, Garaizar J and Bikandi J. 2005. In silico simulation of fingerprinting techniques based on double endonuclease digestion of genomic DNA. In Silico Biology 5:31.

When the programs for simulation of Double Digest Selective Label (DDSL) or the associated databased are used, please cite this paper.

Terletskiy, V., Tyshchenko, V., Matinez-Ballesteros, I., Garaizar, J., and Bikandi, J. 2010. Validation of Double Double Digest Selective Label for sequenced prokaryotic genomes. Bioinformatics 26:417-418.
DOI: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btp675.

When the programs for simulation of PCR and PCR-RFLP are used, please cite this paper.

San Millán RM, Martínez-Ballesteros I, Rementeria A, Garaizar J, Bikandi J. 2013. Online exercise for the design and simulation of PCR and PCR-RFLP experiments. BMC Research Notes 6:513.
DOI: 10.1186/1756-0500-6-513.

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